Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The Golf Swing Secre

That no matter what method or gimmick you try, no matter how much money you spend on clubs and lessons, no matter how much you practice, you still don't seem to see any real improvement. Am I right?You still slice, you still hook, you can't get any distance & consistency is non-existent.Beyond this, you're mind is overloaded with mechanical thoughts, tips and lessons that create even more confusion and uncertainty.A never ending stream of mechanical swing keys and well meaning advice keep your golf swing and mind in a constant state of flux destroying any consistency and confidence you might otherwise build.Keep your head down..follow through...left arm straight...turn the left hip first...weak grip... strong grip... stack and tilt... shift your weight... one plane... two plane... Where...

Renegade Mindset For Fighters

Elite fighters know that there is an inner and an outer game to MMA. Your day-to-day training and conditioning prepares your outer game. Strength, endurance, stamina, and techniques are directly impacted by your dedication to the art of MMA.Unfortunately, most fighters spend 90% of their time on the outer game (the easy part) and only 10% of their time on the inner game.Your Inner Game happens in your skull. It’s the mental side of the equation that controls your intensity, endurance, and tenacity.It’s the ingredients that dictate IF you will give up.Without a doubt, the fighter that can marshal both the physical and emotional wins every match. They have a metal-cutting intensity that cripples their opponent before the first strike is thrown. Their presence dominates the ring.I trust that...

Ultimate Hockey Development Coaching Program

Hockey development isn’t just about off-ice training; it’s not just about skill development. A comprehensive hockey development program addresses how to:Prepare mentally and improve your mental toughnessImprove your skating and puckhandling skillsImprove your strength, speed, and conditioning through hockey-specific trainingAvoid career-threatening injuriesApproach scouts and coaches at the next levelMy name is Kevin Neeld, and for the last 11 years I’ve been passionately pursuing and developing the best on- and off-ice hockey development strategies to help players realize and fulfill their potential. Over the last 3 months I’ve interrogated 14 of the world’s top professionals in hockey development and athletic performance. The result is over 11 hours of Coaching Calls, JAMMED with incredible...

Skier Fitness Training

Your New Rock Hard Legs & Solid Core Will Have You:    * Eating up the Moguls with more power, speed, and agility than you've ever experienced    * Tearing through the glades with ease and confidence    * Carving down the mountain all day without the fatigue or deep leg burn that slows you down    * Thrashing through the powder without a hint of leg weakness or stumble    * Showing off a leaner, harder body that looks better getting into the hot tub at the end of a hard day of skiing!Dear Fellow Avid Skier,Several years ago, on yet another skiing excursion with some friends, we woke up to one of those days we all dream about as skiers... a 2-foot dumping of fresh powder overnight had created one of those epic skiing...

Explosive Football Training Manual

Renegade Football Player and Strength & Conditioning Coach Reveals His Football Weight Training Workout and Conditioning Program for High School and College Football Players to Get Immensely Faster & Stronger on the Field, Guaranteed!They Laughed When I Said I’d Become a Starter…Until I Became a Football All-Star      Want to Gain 100lbs on Your Bench, Squat, Deadlift      and Powerclean? (Our Football Workout Secrets will Show You the Way)      Need to Hack .54 – .65 from Your 40 & Increase Your Football Speed?      Want to Gain 23+lbs of Muscle to Dominate on the Football Field      Learn How to Get So Much Faster for Football, People will Accuse You of...

Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing

If you are anything like me, the thought of going fishing and seeing a glimmering tuna bust the surface of the ocean as it fights on the end of your line is enough to make you smile! My face literally lights up when I think about fishing for tuna on my boat "the bluefin" and I get excited to the point where I can hardly sleep the night before a trip.Since the first time I caught a yellowfin tuna as a young boy alongside my brother, I knew that tuna fishing would be something I'd be hooked on for the rest of my life! Not every 11 year old kid gets to see a 250kg yellowfin up close and personal, so you can imagine why it stuck in my head and made such a big impression.It's amazing how one event in my childhood could affect my entire destiny. Now I teach people all around the world how to find...

How to Easily Double or Even Triple Your Income

You see, I'm a fitness trainer. And I know a lot of other trainers. And if you're like most of the trainers I meet, you secretly wished you had more "high testosterone" clients.You know the type -- the kind of guy who loves it when you push him to his limits. These are military guys (and gals)… cops… athletes. They show up ready to give 110% every time. These are your "no pain, no gain" clients.You gotta love 'em. Every single one. Because these people are the reason you became a personal trainer!But look at your current business. How many of these "go getters" do you actually train in any given month? A handful, if you're lucky.And look at your current clientele. Do you ever get the sneaking feeling that these women woof down a Hershey's bar or a bag of chips just as soon as your session...

secret to becoming a fast, strong, dominant ice hockey player

As a hockey coach, there's nothing more valuable than time. Between work, family and juggling practice - there's no wonder we have little time to properly plan hockey practice.Hey, having run off-ice training programs for teams at all levels and having coached at the collegiate level, I can relate!So I went on a mission (a selfish one at first) to create a template that would help me organize all my future off-ice practices. There were 2 goals for doing this...   1. Make it brain-dead simple to run training programs for this season (and future seasons)   2. If I couldn't make practice, I could hand my "templates" over to an assistant for them to run it without missing a beat   3. Save time! By not having to re-create the wheel each day, it saves me at least 2-3...

Learn how to chip, put and drive your way to a longer handicap!

Imagine for a second, you are at the Mecca of Golf.One of the world's most prestigious golf courses beckons you. The sun is rising, warming the cool morning air blowing in your face.You look out over the oldest (and arguably best) course in the world, where the game has been played since the 15th century.You feel like you belong here. Your golf game is superb. Your putts are on target. Your drives straight and accurate. Your short game nothing less than magnificent.As you head to the last hole, you feel on top of the world...But it wasn't always like this, was it?Do you remember those days? When nearly every shot you took seemed laser guided to an obstruction, tree, sand trap, or worse?Every putt missed by a country mile? Five whacks got you out of the sand trap (if you were 'lucky')? Then...

The Correct Golf Setup by Golf Professional Rob Manning

The golf swing has drastically changed  over the last 100 years. You are lucky to be playing and learning golf in the Generation Now era because the golf swing and setup has been perfected.In the old days most professional golfers had a their own personal version of the golf swing, now most professionals swing the same. With a few exceptions like Bubba Watson and Furyk most golfers have a well balanced golf swing.But one of the biggest problems most golfers have is clearing their hips so they can hit a powerful and controlled swing. Included in this bunch of professional golfers are players such as Tiger Woods and Lee Westwood which is why they are always trying to make their swing better.But what if there was a way to swing like a professional golfer and maybe even better than the professionals.Well,...

Secret Mental Golf Technique

Are you tired of having the highest score when you play with friends?How would you like to have the lowest one?In your group?In your club?How would you like to lower your golf score by at least 5 strokes (but most likely more) in less than 30 minutes... without practicing?Do you know how it feels if you can't drop your score anymore? Very frustrating...I was in the same state one year ago. I took dozens of lessons, changed my pros, started building up a new swing from scratch, hit hundreds and hundreds of balls on the range, bought new clubs... and the result? My score did not drop at all!Everything worked well on the range - hitting the balls long and straight. But back on the golf course I struggled again, slicing, hooking and hitting fat shots resulted in balloon scores and destroyed my...

Renegade Mental Golf

Hey there aspiring golfer…EVERY golfer knows that what separates the good from the elite is the mental side of the game.You know this is true.Sure, there are the issues of natural talent, starting golf instruction at a young age with good coaches, disciplined practice, strength and conditioning, and pure determination. These are without a doubt vitally important factors.But they are rather meaningless if you can’t hang with the big boys on the mental level.The elite golfers perform consistently well physically because he doesn’t screw up mentally.Stephen Ladd and Bill Gladwell here; we're known as the Renegade Mental Coaches because we don’t buy into the mainstream sports psychology BULLS***!!Together we have over 37 years of intense personal and professional study into the mind-body connection...

Ultimate Wrestling Power

To All Serious Wrestlers, Coaches and Parents,If you're interested in building up strength, speed and conditioning for wrestling as quickly as possible, without weight training, gym memberships or fancy equipment, then continue reading... because this will be the most important letter you'll read in your wrestling career.Here's why:My name is Steve Preston. I'm the world's leading Sports Performance Specialist for Wrestlers, and author of many articles in Wrestling USA Magazine.I'm also the creator of the original "Ultimate Wrestling Strength" program which has helped thousands of wrestlers world-wide develop strength, speed and conditioning to achieve better wrestling performances than ever before.I've developed a revolutionary new body weight version of this program called Ultimate Wrestling...

Get Over 500 Results-Driven Boot Camp Workouts

How much is 500+ proven, fun, exciting boot camp workouts worth to your fitness business?Suppose you could pick a new workout every day and never have to create one of your own.Imagine… a different workout for you or your group EVERYDAY for a 2+ years???Sounds too good to be true? Well, it isn’t if you have the right tools.Think about it. A proven fun workout is the most powerful tool you can have for you or your group. This is what keeps your clients coming back for more...they are having  FUN   and seeing RESULTS.  Simply put, 260+ step by step workouts will take your boot camps and fitness business to the next level.But Creating That Perfect Workout Is The Hard Part…It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that...

Easily Slash 8 Strokes From Your Golf Game

90% Of The Golf Information Out ThereIs Not Focused On Lowering Your Score!Sure, you can find a bunch of tips. But, that's just what you'll have... a bunch of unrelated golf tips that are not organized or designed to actually drop your scores.Another problem is many tips are just too complicated for the average person to understand!Well, I've solved that problem for you!I've developed a golf program - unlike any other out there - that will have you shooting lower scores in your very next round of golf.It has over 397 tips, techniques, and strategies that are guaranteed to drop your scores...Even golf pros have dropped their scores with these very effective and easy to use golf tips that I have carefully compiled over 40 years of playing championship level golf. Read what they have to say...And...

Flying in Four Vertical Jump Program

Have you ever wondered what may be holding you back from the giant vertical jump you know your body's capable of?Or why you've barely been able to increase your vertical jump up to this point, even with all the time and energy (and often, money) you spend on improving your hops?If so, then you've most definitely come to the right place.You see, on this very website right here and now, I'm going to reveal to you the REAL reason why you've never been able to truly and drastically increase your vertical jump and then, I'm even going to reveal to you the one thing that has been holding you back from the giant vertical jump you know your body's capable of.And if you're truly the action-taker I think you are, I'm even going to provide you with the most advanced and strategic vertical jumping solution...

Vertical Jump Training Software Program

Learn to Jump Higher With Your Custom Vertical Jump ProgramVERTICAL MASTERY: This brand new software from one of the most trusted names in vertical jump improvement creates customized training programs to ensure your workouts are always delivering maximum to increase vertical and jump higherWhat is the importance of having a customized training program? It is important because each athlete is different and therefore has different strengths and weaknesses as they relate to jumping high. By targeting the areas that YOU are lacking your vertical jump will improve at a faster rate than by following a program that haphazardly trains everything, or worse, doesn’t train the areas you need to improve.Vertical Mastery is the only jump program available today that can customize your training...

Increase Pitching Velocity

Don’t blow this off like you are blowing off your career!You don’t have the time or the luxury to walk away from this level of knowledge and this hardcore training program. Your career is too short to act like you got it made. Unless you are the hardest throwing pitcher in your state, then you have a lot of work to do.You only get a few chances in your career to make a name for yourself and the fact that you are here, RIGHT NOW, tells me that you are not getting the job done or you are second guessing your ability to get the job done.3X Pitching“Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit!”I was 26 years old and completely out of the game of baseball, I still believed deep down inside that I would reach my velocity goal of 94mph. The reason I never let go of my goals, even when my window of...

How To Develop Brute Strength And Blazing-Fast

To All Serious Wrestlers, Coaches and MMA Athletes,Are you frustrated because you've lost wrestling matches that you know you should've won?Have you ever been out-muscled by a wrestling opponent and felt the embarrassment of being thrown around the mat like a rag doll?Do you wish you could get your stamina up so that you no longer 'get gassed' late in the match?I'm sure you've been searching for a program that can help you become the best wrestler or MMA athlete you can be...But there's so much crap out there! Training to be a champion wrestler isn't about going for long jogs. You can't follow some bodybuilding program and get results that will carry over to the wrestling mat either... and don't even think about using the football team's program. It won't work!Keep reading this page and I...

Play Golf? Want to WIN

I am a professional tour player.    At European Tour Qualifying School I missed a stage cut by one shot, when I analysed my rounds I had over 20 putts lip the hole and not drop, not to mention the ones that came up short or rolled past, the rest of my game was pretty solid but my putting had to improve.    I tried to find a specialist putting coach, not a pro that taught putting but a real specialist putting coach, the only ones in the UK were too far away and very expensive. I HAD TO SORT IT OUT MYSELF, which was a blessing in disguise because I went right back to basics and I learnt so much more that way, now I'm passing the knowledge on to YOU!    After 3 months of really hard work I improved my putting average by just over 2 putts per round....

Triathlon Swimming Technique

One thing separates great triathletes from the rest. It’s the swim leg.The same triathletes always win the swim. They get a valuable lead which is hard to catch. Wouldn’t it be great to have people chasing YOU out of the swim?The lead swimmers have a secret. They understand how to glide effortlessly through the water.Water is their friend. They use it to propel them forward. They don’t fight it like the other swimmers.Are you guys really friends?Great triathletes don’t choke on water. They power easily through the water and use less energy than swimmers struggling at the back. Heres why.Is there something you do well without needing to think about it?Ever drive somewhere and arrive realizing you can’t remember the journey?  It happened automatically. You didn’t blink an eyelid.It’s the...

Total Xplosive Training

First off, tell me if this sounds familiar?“Speed is all about your genetics” or “face it, it’s not in your genes to possess that kind of size or strength”.   Trust me, I completely understand because I lived with those lies and many more my whole life.  That’s why I’m ready to show you the solution that I guarantee will change your life.  Get ready to see how athletes are reversing their poor “genetic situation” to become top prospects that rewrite their future. But before I give this to you, I need to tell you some truth that you don‘t want to hear.  Without even knowing you, I can promise you personally…Your training is literally stealing 85% of the athletic potential you should be using in this upcoming season…No worries though, I‘m here to expose every last performance...

Truth About Quickness 2.0

I have two quite serious questions for you:1. Have you ever wondered why, no matter how hard you train or which programs you follow, you still have just “average speed”, or even worse.. you’re slow?2. Or why some of your friends seem to have been born with that “attention-getting” speed and quickness we all want, while you were born with two slow feet and little or no explosiveness to speak of?If so, then you've come to the right place.You see, on the very page you're reading at this very moment, I'm going to reveal to you the one reason why every training program you’ve used up to this point has never worked for you.And then, I’m going to tell you about the most important “speed-getting” solution ever discovered to transform you way beyond “slow” or even “average speed” to the exact place...

2 Track and Field Coaching Legend's

Whether you coach high schoolers or Olympic Champions, one fact remains clear:To succeed at the highest levels, you need to learn from and study the best. And, for my money, that means going to the coaches who Olympic coaches go to when they have questions about training.But here’s the problem…Before now, if you wanted access to their information, you had to attend one of the rare (and elite level) conferences they spoke at. (Or try to piece together clips of video scattered all over the Internet.)I have good news. Those days are over.My name is Kebba Tolbert and I have the good fortune of calling one of these coaching legends my mentor. This experience has had a profound impact on my own coaching career and I want to share some of what I’ve learned with you.I recently hosted and filmed a...

The Ultimate Mma Training Program for the Beginner!

Okay, now that we've got that taken care of, let's move on to the good stuff!You've continued to read on because you want a program that will help you develop solid mixed martial arts technique and would love to be able to get a head start, training anytime you want, in the safest environment there is, your own home.That's great because learning MMA can be an extremely tough task. It takes a lot of detailed instruction and you need to learn things in a very specific order starting with the basics.Master the basics first and you will never, ever have to go back and waste a ton of time trying to fix any bad habits. Notice how I said "trying". Unfortunately, some people are never able to fully fix things and that severely limits their ability to grow as a mixed martial artist. You can save yourself...

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